​I already rewrote it with the info you gave in the other thread. :-)
It runs in around one second. And the slice length is easily modified.

2016-08-11 11:38 GMT+02:00 R Smith <rsm...@rsweb.co.za>:

> STAT_INFO(count, onePercent, likeString) AS (  -- Please don't use
> reserved words like "count" as column

​I changed that and then I saw I did not need it anymore.

> SELECT   Slice
> ,        Percentage
> WHERE    Percentage IS NOT NULL -- This line is superfluous, you can
> remove it (unless you meant zero - NULL is not Zero)

​Nope, it is necessary. Because some of the SELECT did not have a result
and then you get NULL. But the code is a lot cleaner now, so I do not need
it anymore.

> One other annoyance. I do this is the SQLite database browser. Every time I
>> execute this, my database is locked and I have to revert changes. What is
>> happening here.
>> By the way, this also happens when I execute:
>>      pragma table_info(vmstat)
> I think it executes it in a transaction - so won't unlock until the
> transaction is either committed or rolled back.

​Yes that is what happens. But (as far as I know) the database is not
changed. So why is it happening? And the rollback needs to be done in the
GUI. :-(

Just a SELECT does not have this problem, but I also get it with:
    pragma table_info(vmstat)
​Well it is a problem of the DB browser I suppose.​

Cecil Westerhof
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