I'm updating one of my units in Delphi to automatically output the schema
of any database I'm attempting to open while in the debugger for two
purposes.  One reason that when a user does a FILE> NEW, the most recent
database is created based on the SQL commands found in sqlite_master, and
the schema to create said database is stored in a resource file generated
pre-build and that resource file is included in the EXE.  The second
reason, at every launch, any database accessed with this unit gets its
current schema exported to a text file.  That way, while I'm messing around
with the database schema during development time, I have a history on what
was changed, and any changes I can check into my VCS.

To do all of this, I'm relying on the results from "pragma
schema_version".  I've noticed that this bumps up every time I run a vacuum
or use the backup API against the database.  Is this supposed to happen?

I assumed (bad thing I know) that with vacuum, I'm not changing the actual
schema of the database, just reorganizing data within.  I understand that
the schema would be how the data is to be structured, not where the data is
to be stored.

I also assumed that the backup API would retain the schema_version since it
also isn't changing the schema... sorta.  It could be recreating the
database from scratch (Granted a schema change is going from nothing to
something), but then I'd assume schema_version would be current, 0 or 1,
not current+1.

This behavior seems to at least be in SQLite.DLL is 3.7.17.  I've upgraded
to 3.14.1 and I'm still seeing the same thing.

If this *IS* intended behavior, may I ask why it is?  Is it because I'm not
understanding something correctly?

I'd rather not rely on user_version.  Doing so would mean that, while in
development, I'd have to always get the current schema in text, compare it
against the previous schema if one exists, then do an operational WRITE on
the user_schema if something changes.  I'd rather rely on using my existing
external tools to design and maintain the database schema and have it bump
up schema_version, while the programs I'm writing just use the structures I
provided.  I'd also prefer to NOT force my applications to keep to the
platter for data access.  The volume of data I'm playing with isn't
significant, so RAM is nice, and saving access to my SSDs for writes is a
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