We think we are seeing the case where a read on one WAL mode Sqlite database 
connection using the C API is reading stale data after a transaction has 
committed data changes on another connection.  

For instance, a deleted row on one connection is still found by a select on the 
other.  The BEGIN/DELETE/COMMIT then SELECT (prepare/step/finalize for each) is 
happening in the same thread.    We expected the commit of the write to be the 
point in time after which any read would read that committed data.  This does 
not seem to be the case here.  
What is the standard idiom to avoid stale data while still allowing all but a 
writing thread not to see uncommitted data?

Is there a window of time between a commit on one connection and the data being 
available on another connection?  Is that deterministic?  When is the WAL mode 
"end mark" moved on a connection past other changes?  Is it possible that we 
have an end mark on the read connection that is still behind the write on the 
other connection?  What would trigger it to move?

Would other threads doing reads in parallel on the same connection affect when 
the end mark is moved?  In our test we serialized reads so there could only be 
one happening at a time in an attempt to remove any chance of this.  But we 
still saw stale data.  

We are trying to implement a system where all writes occur on one connection 
(in a SQL transaction where a writing thread would see the uncommitted data) 
and all other reads on a second connection.  Does it sound like we are doing 
something fundamentally wrong by trying to share connections across threads in 
this way?

Any advice greatly appreciated
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