On 09/23/2016 03:09 PM, Gilles Vollant wrote:
With sqlite.exe from tools zipfile, I reproduce the bug with this script:

If I add, just after the create table the line
create index if not exists idxtype on records(activitytype)        ;

I have a correct result
If I don't add the index, I've "malformed json" error.

Can you try reproduce?

Interesting one. The problem is that the query is being flattened by the SQLite optimizer. A simpler example is:

  CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
  INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(4, 'nojson');
SELECT json_extract(b, '$.Date') AS xyz FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a==22) WHERE xyz = ?;

In the above, the SELECT statement is being transformed to the following before being executed:

  SELECT json_extract(b, '$.Date') AS xyz FROM t1 WHERE xyz=? AND a=22;

And so the json_extract() function is executed despite the fact that the only row in the table does not match (a==22).

I'm not sure how to work around this. You could use a CASE statement I suppose. i.e. things like:

SELECT CASE json_valid(b) THEN json_extract(b, '$.Date') ELSE NULL END AS xyz
  FROM (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a==22) WHERE xyz = ?;

Or avoid adding invalid json text to the table in the first place if it's possible.



Here is the script without double quote

drop table if exists records;
create table if not exists records( activityId integer primary key,
activityDate text, activityType integer,message text)   ;

insert into records values (1,'2016-09-01',22,'{"Date":"09/01/2016
02:00:00","CountAnalyzedMails":44} ');
insert into records values (3,'2016-09-02',22,'{"Date":"09/02/2016
02:00:00","CountAnalyzedMails":54} ');
insert into records values (5,'2016-09-02',26,'nojson');
select * ,json_valid(message) from records;

select activityDate,Date, CountEmails from

select activityDate, jsonstr, json_valid(jsonstr),
  (activityDate) ||'_' || json_extract(jsonstr , '$.Date')   as multiinfo,
  json_extract(jsonstr , '$.Date')  as Date,
  json_extract(jsonstr , '$.CountAnalyzedMails') as CountEmails

  from (
     select *, length(message) as msglen,
      message as jsonstr  ,
      json_valid(message) as is_json_valid
      from (select * from  records   where activitytype=22  ) where

) as allrs0

  multiinfo in
select max(activityDate) ||'_' || date  as concat_sel from

select activityDate, jsonstr, json_valid(jsonstr),
  (activityDate) ||'_' || json_extract(jsonstr , '$.Date')   as multiinfo,
  json_extract(jsonstr , '$.Date')  as Date,
  json_extract(jsonstr , '$.CountAnalyzedMails') as CountEmails

  from (

     select *, length(message) as msglen,
      message as jsonstr  ,
      json_valid(message) as is_json_valid
      from (select * from  records   where activitytype=22   ) where

) as allrs1

  group by date order by date);

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