Mahmoud Al Gammal wrote:
I'm wondering if sqlite has something similar to MySQL's
SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS. I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed
before, but I've searched the archives and found no final decision
made about it yet...

With SQLite, there's no point doing that. You may just as well run the query without LIMIT clause.

In MySQL, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS works essentially by running the full query as if issued without the LIMIT clause, but then only sending first X records over to the client. The time saving comes from not sending extra data over the wire, not from more efficient query execution.

SQLite works in-process and does not read the column data until you explicitly request it. To imitate SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, simply run the query without LIMIT, read the actual data from the first X rows then simply step through the rest to count them.

Igor Tandetnik

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