michael munson wrote:

>I have two databases, one has many fields I need, the other only has one. Is 
>it possible to go through the second database, and update specific rows on the 
>DB1 has many rows, and DB2 has some. Every row in DB2 is in DB1 and they both 
>have the same value for the key row so they can be cross-referenced. What is 
>an easy way to merge DB2 into DB1?

This should do what you want.

-- assumes create table t (id, a, b, c) in both databases
-- replace values of c in table t of db1
-- with values of c from table t in db2 if they exist

sqlite3 db1_file
>attach 'db2_file' as db2;

>begin transaction;
>create temp table tt as
select id, one.a, one.b, case when two.c isnull then one.c else two.c end
from t as one left join db2.t as two using(id);

>delete from t;

>insert into t select * from tt;
>commit transaction;

>drop table tt;

Dennis Cote

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