Thanks for your informative reply. 

I would like to know, whether I can open a database which is created
using the sqlite API from a program, using the sqlite command line

[I tried it using sqlite <db name with full path>  and it shown the
following error-

Unable to open database "/root/userdb": file is encrypted or is not a
database .

How can I open the database using sqlite command line? ]

Thank you very much.


On Tue, 2006-10-24 at 11:02 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi List,
> >  Whether the data base which we create through the program will be in
> > encrypted form? 
> The public-domain version of SQLite does not encrypt the data.
> But commerical extensions that encrypt the data are available.
> See, for example,
> > 
> > If yes, how can I see the result in sqlite? (How can use select
> > statements on this database?)
> > 
> > My application creates a database and to analyze the results in the
> > database, it will be easy for me to use the interface provided by the
> > sqlite. How can I open the database in SQLite ?
> > 
> When a database is encrypted you must supply the encryption key
> before reading or modifying the database.  You can do this in
> several ways.  There is a pragma:
>    PRAGMA key=?
> If the database is being loaded using an ATTACH statement then
> you specify the key in the USING clause of the ATTACH:
>    ATTACH DATABASE 'encrypted.db' AS e2 USING :key
> Or you can use the C/C++ API:
>    sqlite3_key(db, zKey);
> Once the key is established, the database content is automatically
> decrypted as it is read from the disk and reencrypted as it is
> written back to the disk.
> If you use the command-line client, there is a special option
> to specify the key:
>    sqlite3 -key 'hello' database.db
>            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> After that the command-line client works just like it normally
> does.
> None of the above works in the public domain version of SQLite.
> You have to purchase a license for a version of SQLite that 
> supports encryption in order to use these features.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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