Perhaps this is what you are after?

select file, count(file)
from logtable
where type = 'specific'
group by file
order by 2 desc
limit 10;

Hikka W wrote:
Dear list
Quite new to sqlite/sql - and just signed the list.

Have a logtable where I need a TOP 10 output of the most representet field
'file' WHERE  the field 'type'  is specific.
'file' is the text of a filepath or name, and 'type' is also text...
I relize by searching the list that LIMIT can be the way to go, instead of
TOP, but I'm really stuck.
Think I can do it with (a bunch of) nested calls, but is it possible within
one call? And will there be a difference from using sqlite ver. 2.x to 3.x?

Any help is appriciated
Regards, Hikka

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