This error occurs only on FAT 32 file system! I have a directory with
32764 files. one of the file is my sqlite database. It seems that, when
the file count reaches around this particular no. the SQLite cant open
database error occurs. Can anybody give me some hint? (I am mounting
FAT32 file system on my Linux)

Thanks and Regards,

On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 10:13 +0530, Lloyd wrote:
> Hi,
>  I am working on Redhat EL4, with sqlite3. In my application (written in
> C++ and wxWidgets, and I use wxSqlite3 wrapper) there a module which
> will be called repeatedly which in turn opens and closes the database
> each time the module is called. When the application runs (process the
> input) for short period of time (10 mins -small input) am not getting
> any error. But when it runs for around 1 hour (large input) I am getting
> an error called
> sqlite 14, cant open database !
> What could be the reason for this particular error?
> Thanks and regards,
>   Lloyd

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