On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 10:14:10 -0700 drh wrote:
> Sqlite3_open_v2() and SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY and a whole bunch
> of other stuff is all new to 3.5.0.  Version 3.5.0 is stable.
> It has lots of cool stuff.  Older versions are not supported
> (except for paying customers) - by which we mean that if any
> bugs are discovered they will be fixed in 3.5.0 only, not
> in branches.  You (and a lot of other people) really need
> to upgrade.

Stable? Since when was 3.5.0 even released? 

There has been no release announcement in this list (that I can 
find in the archives in any case), and the front page of 
http://sqlite.org announces that it is still in alpha.

Surely until there is a formal release of 3.5.0, the existing
version of 3.4.2 is still the current stable version?


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