On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 4:16 PM, Florian v. Savigny<lor...@fsavigny.de> wrote:
> I'm very sorry if this is a very stupid question. Intuitively, I would
> assume that of course, any TEXT or BLOB field may contain
> newlines. I'm, however, puzzled about two things (it all refers to the
> commandline interface):
> - while I can insert values with newlines by using the X'ABCD'
>  notation, i.e. saying sth like
>  INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (x'0a');
>  it does not seem possible to use a newline literally in a string,
>  e.g. like this:
>  INSERT INTO my_table VALUES ('
> ');

Yes you can:

SQLite version
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> create table x ( a );
sqlite> INSERT INTO x VALUES('line1
   ...> line2');
sqlite> SELECT a FROM x;
sqlite> SELECT hex(a) FROM x;

>  But does this mean you can only specify newlines in x'abcd'
>  notation? Or even, that SQLite stores any string with newlines as a
>  BLOB?

You could also use: "VALUES ('some line' || x'0A' || 'other line')"

> - (Almost the same question) When I use quote() to SELECT some
>  columns, is it conceivable that SQLite returns something like this
>  (assuming line mode):
>  quote(text) = '
> '
>  Or will it always use the X'ABCD' notation to output newlines?

The quote() function only assures you that the return string can be
used on a SQL statement without the risk of SQL injection attacks, by
doubling the internal quotes.
If it thinks the field is a BLOB (because you used the "x" prefix),
then it will output an hex dump, but I don't think you can't really
rely on that behavior (I don't think it's specified on any SQL
Continuing the previous example:

sqlite> INSERT INTO x VALUES('It''s ok');
sqlite> INSERT INTO x VALUES(x'3031320A303132');
sqlite> .mode col
sqlite> .h 1
sqlite> SELECT oid, quote(cast(a AS TEXT)) FROM x;
rowid       quote(cast(a AS TEXT))
----------  ----------------------
1           'line1
2           '012
3           'It''s ok'
sqlite> SELECT oid, quote(cast(a AS BLOB)) FROM x;
rowid       quote(cast(a AS BLOB))
----------  -------------------------
1           X'6C696E65310A6C696E6532'
2           X'3031320A303132'
3           X'49742773206F6B'

So, as you can see, if you insert values as BLOBs it will return BLOBs
and if you insert values as TEXT it will return text.

~Nuno Lucas

>  (I have already found out that newlines stored as blobs are returned
>  literally if you do not use quote(), but as I said, I haven't been
>  able to store newlines as text, so I could not test how they are
>  returned.)

> The background of my question is not curiosity, but the fact that I
> have designed an Elisp interface that uses SQLite's commandline
> interface with quote() and parses its line output. As long as the
> values cannot contain newlines, that's quite straightforward, but if
> they can, it's suddenly very intricate. Thus, it's the output that I'm
> chiefly concerned about, but also the fact whether I always have to
> use the X'ABCD' notation to insert a value that contains newlines (and
> perhaps also carriage returns, which I haven't tested).
> I'm sorry if I merely haven't found the pertinent documentation, but I
> have rummaged the docs.
> Thanks for any help here!
> Florian
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