I waited 8 hours, the sqlobject patch doesn't work. It goes in an infinite loop.
It's worse...

will try the mysqldb patch.

Dan Pascu a écrit :
On Thursday 03 August 2006 18:06, sophana wrote:
I have sqlobject-0.8dev (from easysetup). I found the line. I will try
it. Do you know how to test this? I cannot stop the mysql server it is
working for another production website...

You can try it on another mysql server, where you can add a line like 

wait-timeout = 5

in the [mysqld] section

This will make any connection expire in 5 seconds and you can test what 
happens without having to wait for 8 hours (which is the default mysqld 
innactive connection timeout). Else you will have to wait for 8 hours, or 
whatever the wait-timeout value is set in your mysql server.

Though I'm not sure when the mysql lib generates 2006 (Server gone) and 
when it generates 2013 (Server lost), so I cannot tell you how to test 
for 2006 precisely.

Also for this to work, your python-mysqldb must support reconnecting.
Prior to mysql-5.0 it does support reconnecting out of the box. After 
mysql-5.0 it depends. If you use debian testing/unstable, they have 
applied a patch I've sent them for this. This patch is not in the 
official python-mysqldb module and in the latter case, after it timeouts 
it won't reconnect.

I have also noticed that if I use python-mysqldb with the patch applied 
and compiled with libmysqlclient from mysql-4.x, it will not reconnect to 
a mysql-5.0 server after it timeouts. If it is complied against 
libmysqlclient from mysql-5.x then it works.


Dan Pascu a écrit :


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