On Tue, Feb 27, 2007, Jeremy Hall wrote:

> I think we are on the same page for end-term goals, but what would you
> recommend I do for today? Squid-3 is still a moving target.

> So are you saying those of us that need icap need to just wait?

There's two parts.

One: Alex is working on improvements to the ICAP code in Squid-3 which
I hope will act as a kind of reference implementation to
use in the future. Help him out any way you can.

Two: I think the storework branch is one step along the right path
to fixing up the codebase in the long term. The two things I need
to sort it out is testing of the branch and some simple(!)ish test
suite to implement tests of the client-side to make sure stuff isn't
regressed as development continues. So some help dreaming up and coding
up some test utilities to act as a test suite of the client side,
along with some actual testing. No, its nowhere near ready to even
sniff production traffic. :)


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