> Hi,
> What about to release squid 3.0 STABLE2 ?
> I think that there are many patches already applied to HEAD-3 that
> could be applied also to SQUID_3_0.
> If needed, I could try to contribute in the back port of some patch.

I've been thinking along those lines myself for a while.

Its a question of who does it, and which changesets. Whan I last looked at
it I found a number that I could not confirm whether or not they were
actually applicable to 3.0.

There is also some small task of removing the back-ported changes from the
3-HEAD list of changes-since-3.0.

I have some time now, if you like I can go through and pull up a list of
those changesets I think should go in and the original author say

   It was suggested I ask you about how-to for editing the changesets.
Seeing as I have stood up for 3.1 maintainer, I think I might get have
some practice on 3.0.


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