Laszlo Attila Toth wrote:

We only supports TProxy version 4.1 but in the squid "--enable-tproxy" requires version 2 which is obsolete for a while.

Current implementation doesn't require kernel support, only a new socket option, IP_TRANSPARENT, also I made a patch which drops "--enable-tproxy" because TProxy 4.1 uses netfilter/iptables (TPROXY target and socket match). If "--enable-linux-netfilter" is used, the "tproxy" option is available for "http_proxy".

It is not yet finished, the squid proxy doesn't bind to the client's address. Furthermore I think it would be better to have a diferent option for this, and "tproxy" wouldn't imply this.

The patch is available here for 2.6-STABLE18:

Any suggestions?

Dropping support for tproxy <4 entirely out of squid-2 is not a good choice. Squid-3 this may be possibly done.

A new configure option --enable-linux-transparent-intercept which pre-empts --enable-linux-netfilter and --enable-tproxy would be a better choice.

Users of tproxy4+ can then use that option and choose their target.

Which code alteration means:
 - migrate defined LINUX_TPROXY -> LINUX_TPROXY2
 - add defined LINUX_TPROXY4
 - make flags.tproxy:1  --> #if LINUX_NETFILTER || LINUX_TPROXY4

Please use Squid 2.6STABLE17+ or 3.0STABLE1+
There are serious security advisories out on all earlier releases.

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