On 09/02/2014 03:51 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On 2/09/2014 4:49 a.m., Tsantilas Christos wrote:
Hi all,

This patch add a new configuration option the 'pconn_lifetime' to
allow users set the desired maximum lifetime of a persistent

When set, Squid will close a now-idle persistent connection that
exceeded configured lifetime instead of moving the connection into
the idle connection pool (or equivalent). No effect on
ongoing/active transactions. Connection lifetime is the time period
from the connection acceptance or opening time until "now".

This limit is useful in environments with long-lived connections
where Squid configuration or environmental factors change during a
single connection lifetime. If unrestricted, some connections may
last for hours and even days, ignoring those changes that should
have affected their behavior or their existence.

This is a Measurement Factory project

Two problems with this.

* the directive name does not indicate whether it applies to client,
server, or ICAP conections.

It applies to any connection, server, client or ICAP connections.

* the rationale for its need is a bit screwey.
  Any directives which affect Squid current running state need to
ensure in their post-reconfigure logics that state is consistent.
Preferrably create a runner, or use configDoConfigure if that is to much.

Do you mean to run over the persistent connections list and change the timeout?

To support that we need some API updates to globally access the
currently active connection lists for servers/client/icap. But there
are other things like stats and reporting also needing that API, so we
should look at adding it instead of yet another "temporary" workaround.

We do not need to make any change to support ICAP and server side connections. This is because we are storing this connections to IdleConnList or PconnPool structures.

Currently we can not change timeout for client-side keep-alived connections. We do not have a list with these connections available.


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