Didnt noticed any slowness at all when loading www.spiegel.de through Squid 2.7S9 on a OpenWRT box. I'm using OpenWRT revision r42161, compiled from scratch. The page fully loaded in about 7-8 seconds. Could be faster, but i wouldnt call that the 'extremely slowness' you mentioned. I'm using Google DNSs and as the DNSs for the OpenWRT box and thus for squid.

I did not find meetrics.de accesses on the log, but i found meetrics.net which loads just fine.

    Log from my access here is:
(tried to paste it here but mailing list rejected it because the message got bigger than 50k)


On 22/08/14 10:22, babajaga wrote:
For details of my problems, pls ref. here:

Not shure, that it is really squid. Effect is slow loading of objects from
As I have an open-mesh AP, 64MB RAM, my squid2.7 does memory-only caching,
and some ACLs + forwarding some traffic to another upstream proxy on the
One very slow page is here:
It calls
*.meetrics.de , which loads veeeeeeery slooooooooow
So, in case you can confirm/deny slow response times to this site, I need to
look somewhere else for the bug.
Which would be great help, already.


        Atenciosamente / Sincerily,
        Leonardo Rodrigues
        Solutti Tecnologia

        Minha armadilha de SPAM, NÃO mandem email
        My SPAMTRAP, do not email it

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