On 8/02/21 10:48 pm, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:
I have a Mikrotik PPPOE server and I would like to register the logged in
user on PPPOE Tunnel creation.
In the mikroitk device I have a code which can run a curl/fetch request with
the login details ie IP and username towards any server.
I was thinking about creating a PHP api that will be allowed access only
from the Mikrotik devices.
On every login the user+IP pairs will be written to a small DB.
Squid in it's turn will use an external helper to run queries against the DB
per request with small cache of 3-10 seconds.

Do you mean the ext_session_sql_acl helper?

What's the best way to pass a username so with the ip it will be logged.

The helper needs to return user= kv-pair to Squid for this to be an "authentication" rather than just authorization. That username will be logged without anything special having to be done.

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