On Tue, 2003-02-18 at 11:00, Chris Monson wrote:
> Is there an easy way to configure squid to filter reply content through 
> an external program?  I'm interested in doing analysis on the content 
> that squid returns to the client.
> I have been poking around a lot in the source and it does not appear to 
> be possible given the current state of things.  Given that, does anyone 
> know the best place to put my own hook into the source to catch the 
> content as it goes by?  The clientProcessMiss function looks promising, 
> but I figured I would ask before delving any deeper into things.

I'd suggest you work with squid-3, it's got an interface for hooking
into the client side - clientStreams.

Also, the "send" routines are probably the closest fit for your needs,
in squid 2.5 and below.

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