On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 19:19, Jay Turner wrote:
> Hi Guido,
> I found your post from February regarding this issue and I now understand
> what you are saying.
> As I will be connecting to a pre-existing AD that was not setup by me, could
> you tell me where I could find in Windows 2000 server that will tell me if
> the AD is configured for "Pre Windows 2000 compatibility"??
GPG key available at: <http://members.aardvark.net.au/lifeless/keys.txt>.
Look for a group called "Pre Windows 2000 Compatible access" (IIRC). 

If that exists, it /should/ have the appropiate permissions on it, and all domain 
members in it. Again, going off memory. I can confirm tomorrow morning if needed...


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