ons 2006-12-20 klockan 07:47 -0500 skrev Brian J. Murrell:

> Hrm.  Firefox seems to disagree, at least in it's implementation.  Squid
> sends "Negotiate" as the authentication mechanism and Firefox responds
> with Kerberos.

The Negotiate HTTP scheme is defined by Internet RFC4559 "SPNEGO-based
Kerberos and NTLM HTTP Authentication in Microsoft Windows", which
specifies Kerberos within GSS-API as applied by SPNEGO..


   The "Negotiate" auth-scheme calls for the use of SPNEGO GSSAPI tokens
   that the specific mechanism type specifies.

Relevant RFCs:

RFC4559 SPNEGO-based Kerberos and NTLM HTTP Authentication in Microsoft
Windows (Negotiate)

RFC4178 The Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application
Program Interface (GSS-API) Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO)

RFC2743 Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Version
2, Update 1.  (GSS-API)

Now I am not an expert on how this translates to wire format so I leave
it to you to read and consider if what your Firefox does is sufficient
to meet the specifications or not..


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