On Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:08:44 +1200
Gert Verhoog <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Adrian Chadd wrote:
> > On Tue, Sep 04, 2007, Gert Verhoog wrote:
> > 
> >> I'm beginning to suspect that refresh_pattern ignores query
> >> strings, but hopefully I'm wrong. Currently I'm not caching urls
> >> with parameters at all (using an urlpath_regex acl), but this is
> >> not desirable.
> > 
> > Check the cache (or no_cache directive in the past) to see how Squid
> > defaults to not caching URLs with a ? in the path.
> Yes, as I said, I was not caching these pages, on purpose. Otherwise,
> pages with query params would be cached too long in my setup.
> Fortunately, my refresh patterns do seem to work after tweaking the
> max-age and expires header in the webapplication. Max-age was set to a
> long time in the webapp, but I was under the impression that the
> "override-expire" option in refresh_pattern would cause Squid to
> ignore this altogether. Apparently not.
> So this does work after all, I just don't understand the effect of
> override-expire:

From the default squid.conf

override-expire enforces min age even if the server
                sent a Expires: header. 

i.e. it only enforces "min age" - it's not "ignore-expire". Can you not
fix this in the server? Query URL are supposed to be governed by the
expiry time or not cached at all.

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