Hi everyone,

I've just released Cacheboy-1.1, which is essentially an almost current
snapshot of Squid-2.HEAD with a whole lot of code reorganisation and a couple
of new minor features.

It certainly seems stable enough in local testing and limited third party
testing. I'll see if I can get permission from those who are testing it to
drop names, but its seen some reasonably busy production loads and as I
said, it seems stable enough.

I'd like to try and get this stuff tested more thoroughly in production
environments before I begin trying to roll these changes back into Squid-2.HEAD.

My work to date is mostly code reorganisation in preparation for larger scale
changes. I've done about as much code shuffling as I can do in this first pass
without beginning much more intrusive code changes to fix various silly
choices made in the past. I'd like this code to be tested out first as widely
as possible before I begin my next set of slightly more intrusive changes.

This should mostly be a drop-in replacement for those running Squid-2 under
UNIX. I haven't yet done any compatibility work to fix it to compile outside
of Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris 10.

No, you probably won't notice any functionality or performance differences 
Squid-2.7 and Cacheboy. Well, unless you're running Solaris - there's an
implementation of event ports for the network IO. ./configure --help has some
more information about that. Performance and feature work will come (much) 
too much reorganisation needs to be done first to set the scene for said 

The 1.0 and 1.1 tarballs can be fetched from:


The wiki has some basic information about whats going on:


Finally, if you're at all interested in the "why" behind the "what", take a look
at the blog: http://cacheboy.blogspot.com/

The wider the testing I get, the quicker this stuff can be made stable and 
into the next Squid-2 release.



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