The problem is the autentificación NTLM of Windows7. It is necessary to
create the following key in the registry to solve it (I'm using Squid
Version 3.0.STABLE8 in Debian Lenny):

1. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
If it doesn’t exist, create a DWORD value named LmCompatibilityLevel and set
the value to 1 to use LM NTLM and NTLMv2 if is negociated, this is 
Also it works establishing the value to 0, and 3 though for more safety the
value using 3 though with old operating systems it will not work on having
used obligatorily NTLMv2. 

2. Reboot

To follow the link for more information:

Tim.Towers wrote:
> We use NTLM authentication, but the new windows 7 beta (yes, its beta
> but its nice to know of potential issues before they get widely
> released) seems to be having trouble authenticating.
> A standard authentication from XP provides the following in
> /var/log/squid/cache.log:
>  Got user=[912058] domain=[UK] workstation=[LONW037057] len1=24 len2=24
> An authentication from Windows 7 beta is shown below:
>   Got user=[009340] domain=[UK] workstation=[LONW032292] len1=24
> len2=332
>   Login for user [uk]\[0093...@[lonw032292] failed due to [Invalid
> parameter]
> I see the different "len2" information at the end, so I assume MS has
> extended something.
> The packages we are running are squid-2.6.STABLE20-1.el5 and
> samba-common-3.0.28-1.el5_2.1.
> I am curious whether a package upgrade will fix the problem, if this
> windows 7 thingy has introduced an incompatibility that we expect MS to
> fix with their next release or if this is a valid request that uses a
> hitherto unused part of the protocol and therefore we should allow for
> it.
> Tim Towers
> Senior Security Analyst
> Global Network Services
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