sön 2011-01-23 klockan 14:14 -0800 skrev Jonathan Wolfe:

> I'm using the values of "asdf" for a bogus Accept-Encoding value that
> shouldn't trigger gzipping, and "gzip" for when I actually want to
> invoke the module.  To be clear, the webserver isn't zipping at all.

Is the web server responding with "Vary: Accept-Encoding"?

> I can change the behavior of the webserver to not include Vary:
> Accept-Encoding for content meant to be cached by squid, but that
> results in responses of the cached (unzipped) version even for clients
> who accept zipped versions, once the cache is populated by a client
> not requesting a zipped version, and that defeats the point of the
> gzip module for me because I want to gzip cached content for clients
> that support it.

Sounds like the gzip eCAP module handles things in a bad manner. It
should add Vary, and it's responses should be cacheable if the original
response is. Seems it does neither..


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