tis 2011-08-30 klockan 14:25 +0200 skrev Mateusz Buc: > every server. Is squid capable of caching content which requires > 'basic' authentication?
Only if excplicitly told to, and then without validating the authenticaiton. Responses to requests with authentication is cached if either a) The server sends "Cache-Control: public" telling caches that the content is public and do not really require authentication. b) The ignore-auth is used in squid.conf http(s)_port or refresh_pattern directives to acheive the same effect as described above. > At the moment, client Cache-Control says: "Cache-Control: max-age=0 " > and it doesn't send any 'If-Modified-Since" headers. That's not normal unless you are playing with the Reload button. Note: In reverse proxies you can use the ignore-cc flag telling Squid to ignore Cache-Control sent by clients. The reverse proxy is an extension of your web server. Regards Henrik