Now I'v read, that the right URL to the cache digest is (See here #8:

But it seems, that my squid doesn't create this store_digest file, because wget 
says error 404. The second problem is, the squid sibling doesn't try 
downloading this file. It only tries to download the netdb file.

I hope, that somebody can help me. Thanks

-----Klaus Reithmaier <> schrieb: -----
Von: Klaus Reithmaier <>
Datum: 09.07.2014 16:51
Betreff: [squid-users] Create and download cache digest to create proxy siblings


I  want do make a "combined cache" by defining two proxies in a cluster as  
siblings. To minimize traffic and latency, I want to do this by using  cache 
digests and not by using ICP.

Squid is compiled with --enable-cache-digest, squid version is 3.3.12

cache_peer configuration in squid.conf on SIBLING_1:
cache_peer [IP_OF_SIBLING_2] sibling 8080 0 proxy-only no-query

A few minutes after restarting SIBLING_1 I see on the access.log of SIBLING_2 
that SIBLING_1 is making the following request:

1404912746.105       1 [IP_OF_SIBLING_1] TCP_MISS/200 271 GET  
http://[NAME_OF_SIBLING_2]:8080/squid-internal-dynamic/netdb -  HIER_NONE/- -

Is the netdb file the cache digest? It is way to  small, the access.log says, 
the size is 271 bytes, if I am downloading  this file with wget, the filesize 
of netdb is 0 bytes.

I've found  somewhere else the following path for getting the cache digest:  
/squid-internal-periodic/store_digest, but here i get a 404 error code.  What 
is the right path for the cache digest and what do I need to create  the digest?


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