>Dave and Vickie-Marie

Thank you both, I shall explore these avenues and let you know how I progress.

Hugs back to you Vickie Marie,   a hearty slap on the back to you Dave!

>Also you might try Mike Krionderis at Westminster Locomotive Works
>(http://www.cricketlivesteammotor.com/) ... I know he redesigned much
>of the Cricket's burner, but he received many old Cricket parts from
>O'Rourke and may have what you need.

Norm Saley used to have some, but I don't know if he still does.  The 
O'Connor could make them, I suppose.  If you find some, I could use a 
replacement for my original which has a nasty kink in it...


>     Dave Cole                                         dmc...@steamup.com
>     Editor, Steam in the Garden                             650-898-7878
>     http://www.steamup.com/                                   PO Box 719
>     National Summer Steamup, July 18-22, 2012         Pacifica, CA 94044
>     http://www.summersteamup.com/
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