> No I think that apps that use mixed async and sycn logging do so only
> when sending a sync log requires it to know the operation went through.

Ok so I will add a queue at the beginning... Ohh. More complexity and
more work...

> In that case the application is prepared to wait the time it takes for
> the log to go through.

I was thinking this way too but Steve brought a point that the
application might want to use the sync interface in this case exactly
for the reason of bypassing its main loop and sending the event right
away using the dispatcher's internal loop. I think we should not do
anything for this use case and if the app wants to do something like
this the app developer needs to use two dispatchers. 

Steve do you agree?

> Simo.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Engineering Manager IPA project,
Red Hat Inc.

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