Lance Diduck wrote:
Yes -- I am trying Cygwin now. It takes forever to download and install, and
I'll have to find out if there is a Subversion client for Cygwin.

You could use the Windows client. The CygWin client, if there is one,
will probably not help you work around the case insensitivity issue.


<<changes to the library>> I'll just get a dev environment working first :) But one thing to look at is
that _STD is a macro that Dinkumware tries to own in their latest release as
well. They #undef it everytime they see it. ( I ran a few of the stdcxx file
through MSVC8, that was a show stopper. )

They've always done that (AFAIK, in yvals.h). The clash indicates
that you are somehow mixing two different implementations of the
library. That should never happen. One possible reason is that
more of the VS 8 headers #include <yvals.h> now than in VS 7.1.
Do you know which public VS 8 header is causing the collision?

<< You mean they deprecated standard C string functions such as strcpy >>
Yes. It shows up as compiler warnings now, but one could surmise that
corporate IT departments will soon start auditing for this sort of thing. My
employer already does this.

Possibly, although I personally am not a fan of the security TR.
It's a tool that's might potentially be useful as a quick a dirty
hack around bugs in legacy software, but not one to be applied in
the development of new code.

For some interesting comments from the experts see the Austin Group
Review of the document here:


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