Da to mozete zaista da nazovete racak dva jer nijedan nije istina vec
namestena americka laz za sigurno. Aoni koji pomazu agresorima da nas i dalje
optuzuju za svoje zlocnie treba privesti nasem pravosudju.Cffkale milan

Miroslav Antic wrote:

> RACAK-2 ?
> > 6. juni 2001.
> > Serbian Interior Minister Dusan Mihajlovic stated that the
> > investigations connected to the two mass graves were in progress, in
> > which Albanians from Kosovo killed by the Yugoslav forces had been most
> > probably buried. The Police discovered the mentione locations on the
> > course of the so called "cooler" case. The authorities in Belgrade
> > announce that in connection with the new information Slobodan Milosevic
> > will be questioned.
> Serbian News Network
> http://www.antic.org/

Serbian News Network


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