7,000 Macedonians Flee to Kosovo
Associated Press Writer

ARACINOVO, Macedonia (AP) -- More than 7,000 ethnic Albanians had fled to
Kosovo from a suburb of Macedonia's capital by Sunday, with thousands of
other residents also seeking refuge, as government forces waited for orders
to attack well-armed rebels who have seized the town.

Dozens of residents peered through binoculars toward their homes from a
police checkpoint a little more than a mile from Aracinovo, where Interior
Minister Ljube Boskovski said approximately 1,000 ethnic Albanian militants
armed with light artillery and machine guns ''control all strategic

More than 7,000 ethnic Albanians had fled to neighboring Kosovo, said Astrid
van Genderen Stort, spokeswoman for the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
More than 29,000 have fled there since an ethnic Albanian insurgency erupted
in February, she said.

The threat to Aracinovo, an ethnically mixed town, also drove out thousands
of Macedonian Slavs.

Locals said that only a few thousand people remained in the town, where the
normal population of about 13,000 had grown in recent weeks to 20,000 due to
an influx of refugees coming from fought-over areas elsewhere.

Aracinovo, southeast of Skopje, was calm Sunday. Police blocked roads around
the suburb to try contain the rebels, opening the checkpoints only to
fleeing civilians. Boskovski said Saturday that security forces were waiting
for a government order to start retaking the suburb.

Some fighting was reported Sunday to the north around Slupcane and Orizane,
a strategically important rebel-held region.

Insurgents there control a reservoir that normally supplies about 100,000
residents of Kumanovo with water. Since the rebels cut off water supplies
nearly a week ago, Kumanovo's population has been supplied with tanker
trucks from Macedonia and neighboring Bulgaria.

Violence erupted when the militants took up arms, saying they were fighting
for broader rights for ethnic Albanians, who make up between a quarter and a
third of Macedonia's 2 million people. The government, which contends they
are separatists bent on seizing territory, launched an offensive to drive
them from northern villages where the rebels are based.

Trying to avert a new escalation of the conflict, political leaders met
Saturday with Javier Solana, the European Union's security affairs chief,
who urged restraint.

Western governments have condemned the insurgents and have urged both sides
to avoid an all-out war in Macedonia -- until this year the only former
Yugoslav republic to escape bloodshed.

Miroslav Antic,


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