Down with the Hague’s inquisition tribunal on NATO opponents!

Today in many places of the world protest rallies will take place for
example in Vienna in front of the Yugoslav embassy. Pls inform us so
that we can spread the news. ********************

The extradition of Milosevic to Hague by the Serbian government is a
blatant violation of the constitution. It is the another coup d’etat
after the one of last October bringing the Western quisling regime to
power. Apparently fearing a wave of protests that possibly would rock
the governmental coalition DOS after the decision of the
constitutional court to preliminary reverse the decree allowing the
unconstitutional extradition of Yugoslav citizens, Djindjic went into
the offensive by rapidly extraditing the former president. According
to the press even president Kostunica has not been informed.

The so-called “democratic” government installed and hailed by the
is not only violating the will of the big majority of the Yugoslav
population that is strongly opposing any co-operation with Hague and
supported Kostunica only because he promised to guarantee that
Milosevic will not be judged abroad. It is also resorting to
dictatorial measures inspired by those of the Western puppet

It is not by accident that the prostitute Djindjic is doing his
atrocity on the Vidovdan, the day of the historic battle of Kosovo
Polje June 28, 1389 for which he will get the wage of about one
billion dollar right the day after. It is the utmost humiliation of
all Serbs and Yugoslavs who have been fighting for a free,
independent, democratic Yugoslavia and it is a shame for the six
hundred years of Serbian liberation struggle against the Ottomans,
Habsburgs, the Nazis and finally the NATO aggressors.

Djindjic, the NATO collaborator, is the modern Nedic, the Nazi
collaborator. He must be toppled as Nedic had been swept away be the
resistance of the Serbian people.

Kostunica, who could only become president by pretending to defend
national interests of the people, will have to show his real
profile. Either his party leaves immediately the governmental
coalition DOS and thus brings down the government, or the people
eventually will understand that he is not qualitatively different to

Regarding the imperialist campaign against Milosevic (which has been
stepped up again just in time by the “discovery” of a new “mass
grave”) as well as the war crimes tribunal (which is in fact the
tribunal by the war criminals) has as its main purpose the
legitimating of the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia and the
de-legitimation of any resistance against the imperialist tyranny of
the New World Order. The tribunal in the Hague is nothing else than a
modern blueprint of medieval inquisition. Everything is faked. The
murderer is acting as judge and prosecutor at the same time providing
also the money for the spectacle. The judgement has already be fixed
in advance. The victim is not even allowed to accuse the murderer.
It’s final aim is to have the victim admit that he is the culprit and
to acquit the murderer. It is a political trial and media show
suppressing any critical thought let alone diverging opinions. It is
the production of a play there the masters of the corpora! te
neo-liberal thought present themselves as the only democrats accusing
those few who still dare to oppose them as totalitarian. Reality is
about to surpass the wildest imaginations of George Orwell.

Down with the collaboration government in Belgrade – long live the
popular resistance against NATO! Support the current strike wave in
Yugoslavia in defence of the elementary workers’ right – extend them
to bring down the Djindjic government! NATO war criminals before a
popular tribunal! Down with the Hague “tribunal” which is only
covering up the Western war crimes! NATO out of Yugoslavia and the

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