To the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
 Dr. Vojislav Kostunica
 Fax: +381 11 3015 055

 28 June 2001

 Mr. President

 On behalf of the Anti-imperialist League of Belgium, I wish to inform you
 that many people in Belgium who opposed the Belgian Government's
 participation in the NATO aggression against your country, are utterly
 disgusted at the recent measures of the present Serbian rulers aiming at
 handing over your predecessor Slobodan Milosevic to the Hague Tribunal.

 The Hague Tribunal arrogates itself the function of an international
 judicial body. It has been created by the UN Security Council on the
 authority of the UN Charter, Chapter VII. But Chapter VII does not grant
 the  Security Council the right to create judicial bodies. In setting up
 Tribunal, the Security Council acted ultra vires. The Tribunal is an
 illegal  body.

 Moreover this "court" has been used as a tool by the aggressors. Its Chief
 Prosecutors have been acting as surrogate politicians. They have, of
 course,  refused to deal with the severe war crimes and crimes against
humanity committed by their NATO masters. They try to turn NATO's victims
into criminals. In fact with the "indictment" of the former president of
 Yugoslavia this "court" tries to incriminate the entire nation of Serbs
 and  Yugoslavs, who defended the sovereignty and integrity of their

 Until recently you seemed to share the view, that the Hague Tribunal was a
 mockery of all principles of a democratic judicial body. You gave your
 word  to your predecessor never to condone his prosecution by such an

 It is clear that your country is faced with blackmail by the United States
 and other aggressor states.

Your country, throughout its glorious history, has withstood the enemies
of its independence. Many times your nation proved, that it could not be
 blackmailed, neither in 1914 by Austria (already then trying to usurp
 Yugoslav sovereignty in judicial matters), nor in 1941 by fascist Germany,
 nor in 1999 by NATO aggressors at Rambouillet. Your country deserves
 better  than a Government prepared to trade national sovereignty for a
handful of  Dollars, which must be paid back many times over.

 All peace-loving people in Belgium, many of them of Yugoslav origin, who
 supported your country's struggle against the genocidal embargo and
 aggression, who opposed the racist media campaign against Serbs, and, last
but not least, who showed their solidarity in the form of material help,
wish to deepen the friendship between Belgium and your country struggling>
to  regain an equal position in the community of sovereign and democratic
 nations. May all those be ashamed, who act as gravediggers of their own
 nation, as enemies of the international peace movement and as accomplices
 in  the destruction of international law.

 We condemn the Belgian authorities not only for their participation in the
 criminal NATO aggression against your country but also for their support
 of  and collaboration with the illegal Hague Tribunal.

 At the same time remembering, that you until recently wanted to be seen as
 a  "legalist" and a "patriot", we appeal to you to save your country from
shame  and damage.

 Through you, we also appeal to all those on whom the Yugoslav constitution
 bestows the duty of protecting the sovereignty and legal order of the

 Our call for the immediate release of Mr. Slobodan Milosevic is made in
 the  interests of Yugoslavia as well as in the interest of all peace loving
 people the world over.

 With my best regards,
 Pol De Vos
 President, Anti-imperialist League Belgium

 Copies to:
 Federal Foreign Minister Svilanovic: +381 11 3618 366
 Serbian Minister of Justice Batic: +381 11 685 672

 Anti-Imperialist League



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