CANA STATEMENT: Immediate Release
I have just heard on BBC television that the former head of state of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, has been transported to Holland by an RAF plane.
If this proves to be true, later today I will be visiting the British Ministry of Defence to ask for the names of the pilots & air crew of the aircraft involved, so that their names can be included in an indictment I plan to lodge at the Crown Court on the charge of kidnapping.
If the MOD refuse to give me these names, I will instead proceed against the appropriate Minister, senior civil servants & RAF commanders, whose names are known, & who gave the orders & acted as accomplices in the illegal abduction of a foreign national.
I hope others might consider other moves, such as applying for a writ of Habeus Corpus, but such a writ would have to be directed I presume against the Dutch authorities.
What Britain has done & Mr Tony Blair has endorsed is a loathsome act of international brigandage.
It makes the RAF no better than the Barbary pirates.
I denounce the George Soros/ Warner Bros/ Mickey Mouse illegally financed institution @ the Hague masquerading as a UN Court, whose operations are entirely selective, & which refused to investigate my earlier allegations of war crimes perpetrated by the NATO leaders, including the British PM, in the March 1999 illegal war by the NATO powers on the FRY.
It is the duty of the Federal President of Yugoslavia & the security forces of Yugoslavia to arrest  those members of the Serbian so called Government for breaching  the law & Constitution of the state, consorting with enemy powers, & illegally depriving Slobodan Milosevic of his liberty.
I believe the peoples of Europe, who have had ample experience of fighting fascism in the past, have now to rise up against the neo- fascist globalist rulers of the new corporate Europe, & take all necessary steps to restore the rule of law & democracy to this Continent, a rule of law which has been subverted by EU-Nato's operations, both in the Former Yugoslavia, & against the present FRY, & now the state of Macedonia, which Nato is also seeking to dismember, using Albanian surrogates.
What is most disturbing  is the wholesale media censorship & the use of propaganda to form public opinion in Yugoslavia & the rest of Europe, as wielded by irresponsible  untruthful & corrupt organisations, such as the BBC & CNN.
I would very much wish to be in Belgrade for the rally planned later today but hope this press release can be read out by one of my Yugoslav friends & comrades, & the Yugoslav people should be assured that the English people, & Londoners are with Serbia 100% in the battle against the worthless & immoral Djindjic criminal clique, & the NATO occupation forces in Kosovo & Bosnia, which forces must be removed, and the US base at Camp Bondsteel permanently dismantled.
Yesterday Yugoslavia was raped by evil forces,  every bit as evil as those of Adolph Hitler
Yet Serbia has fallen before, on the field of Kosovo, on the 28th June, in a former era,  & then its worthy soldiers sought a heavenly kingdom, preferring death to dishonour & shame, & so the peoples of Europe, from the left & right,  must form together a new popular front against fascism, globalism, EU & NATO German militarism + American imperialism, which evil forces are strangling democracy/socialism & the free life of national states on this continent.

CANA UK stands for Christians Against Nato Aggression UK - an ecumenical group set up in March 1999 comprising Orthodox, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Unitarians, Quakers, Roman Catholics, Baptists, Brethren, Anglicans, etc sharing a common view on the responsibility of NATO leaders for war crimes, and crimes against peace committed by them in respect to the NATO war on Yugoslavia, and the subsequent occupation of the Yugoslav province of Kosovo-Metohija, & their complicity in the current, NATO inspired, aggression on Macedonia. 
(It is also the acronym for "Campaign Against Nato Aggression", a secular variant.) 
CANA UK issues press releases, sponsors research, publications, and conferences, the last conference being @ The Friends Meeting House London February 24th 2001, A Day of Truth re Yugoslavia . Videos of the conference, including the contribution of former Nuremberg Prosecutor Walter Rockler, are available from CANA UK.
in the campaign for justice for the peoples of yugoslavia                        
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