ANTIWAR, Saturday, September 29, 2001

Chechnya Comes Home To America

by Christopher Deliso


A month ago, no one would have believed it. It was a proposition totally

unthinkable. A month ago, Russia was still the enemy, an impediment to
peace and stability, a lumbering giant, which, though wounded, could
always land a formidable blow. Its existence was cited as a reason for
missile defense

shields to be built and for NATO to be expanded. Yet after the events of

September 11th, Russia is attaining the robust and revitalized glow of
victory - thanks to the crafty watch of Vladimir Putin.

Maybe we should have seen it coming. After all, the Russian president,
an ex-KGB agent and clever diplomat, did make his inexperienced American
counterpart weak in the knees at their first meeting: through the
Russian's steely eyes, gushed a besotted George, "I could get a sense of
his soul." Yet since no one had imagined the enormous destruction of the
terrorism in New York and Washington, no one could have figured that a
petulant president would soon consummate the relationship. It is clear
now, however, that in the aftermath of "Black Tuesday," and the US
Army's advance on Central Asia, a prediction of mine has been fulfilled:
US policy has performed a complete about-face regarding Chechnya, and
Russia has pulled off a major diplomatic coup. They have been issued, in
effect, a carte blanche from the West to end the Chechen threat once and
for all.


The most recent and significant expression of this new American
sentiment towards Russia was the White House's ultimatum to the
Chechens. Like the big kid in a sandbox, the US has always felt no
qualms about saying who can play in the sandbox and who can't. The
message was delivered loud and clear by spokesman Ari Fleischer:

"The Chechen leadership, like all responsible political leaders around
the world, must immediately and unconditionally cut all contact with
international terrorist groups such as Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda

According to Fleischer, "there was no question that there was an
'international terrorist presence' in Chechnya with links to bin Laden."

At first, this seems like a simple enough ultimatum. Bin Laden is not
cool, so don't play with him anymore, Chechnya! Yet there is something
odd about the wording. Fleischer does not talk about terrorists in the
Chechen ranks, but specifically refers to the Chechen "leadership,"
which should act "like all responsible leaders around the world" by
avoiding terrorism. Wait a minute here. isn't the only country that
recognizes a Chechen political state none other than. the Taliban?


And so the cautious and subtle White House statement refrains from
accusing the Chechens themselves of being terrorists (as Putin would
like), but only demands that they stop associating with questionable
characters like Mr. bin Laden - as if the Chechens would have needed his
help or his directives when they bombed three apartment buildings in
Moscow. The US is walking a fine line here, in trying to avoid blaming
the Chechens for terrorist acts against Russian citizens. The Chechens
are guilty by association - but not too guilty. In short, America seems
to be saying, if everyone would just

stop associating with that evil genius Osama, terrorism would abruptly
end - in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and especially in New York. This is the
dubious pulpit logic which calls out for a single trophy victory, a
symbolic "bring me his head on a plate" rationalization that would win
popular acclaim, but not much else. Unfortunately, it is the kind of
wishful thinking that is

going to get many, many "allied" troops killed in the near future, as
the war against an invisible enemy drags on - one in which the U.S. can
neither name nor find its target in the forbidding mountains of

It also makes one wonder what is meant by the omission. Without the bin
Laden-sponsored "terrorist presence" around, will the Chechens again be
treated as a legitimate "freedom fighting" army? Or is it possible that
as the love affair unfolds, this White House statement might just be
seen as a coy invitation, and they're playing hard to get? Certainly,
the reversal of American foreign policy cannot happen overnight - even
when the whole country has been turned upside down by a random act of
barbaric terrorism. There are signs that the new US recognition of
terrorist elements in Chechnya might translate, sooner rather than
later, into a more formalized label for the troublemakers of that
region, which would greatly please Mr. Putin. After all, the warming of
Western-Russian relations has recently been felt in Europe, where
Gerhard Schroeder told the German parliament that the European-Russian
relationship should be fundamentally changed, and hinted that a "softer
line" would be taken on Chechnya.


Yet when it comes down to it, the US has still not made the kind of
outspoken statement that Russia would so much like to hear. Perhaps, as
we said, this is one of Bush's feminine charms he is holding in reserve

when he really needs it. So far, it seems like they are not really
praising Russia, but rather just evading the issue that would expose the
fundamental about-face in policy:

".Bush and Fleischer avoided outright criticism of Russia for human
rights violations, even though the latest State Department human rights
report describes Russia's record in Chechnya last year as 'poor' and
said that 'there were credible reports of serious violations.'"

Nevertheless, Putin has swept onto the scene like a gallant suitor,
taking the initiative by giving the go-ahead for Russian-American
military cooperation, intelligence sharing, logistical support and
preparation. Why stop there, says Putin, when Russia could just join
NATO? On his recent three-day trip to Germany, he ".showed some
impatience that the alliance was not moving faster to open up to Moscow.
'Everything depends, of course, on what is being offered,' said Mr.
Putin. 'There is no reason any more for the West to hold up such

Such strong words from an ardent suitor no doubt left Bush a little weak
in the knees again. In fact, Putin's new enthusiasm for NATO left some
of the assembled Germans almost fainting, they were so disturbed. Maybe
it didn't help that one of the official functions of Putin's visit was
to lay a wreath on a site commemorating the Soviet "liberators" of
Berlin in World War II.

It is unclear whether Putin actually means that Russia should become a
member of NATO; surely, this would not be like any NATO that exists now.
The alliance would be the same in name only, as Russia was the whole
reason why NATO was thought up in the first place. Seizing the
initiative right now, while he still has the weight of world opinion on
the side of an anti-terrorism campaign, is in Putin's best interests. As
if to silence the grumblers and naysayers, he had a plan (admittedly
vague) ready for his

"Mr. Putin told the German Parliament on Tuesday that security
structures had to be overhauled, that the Cold War was over and that
instead of superpower competition there should be a strategic triangle
linking the US, the European Union and Russia."

Whether or not this "strategic triangle" can fit within the geometrics
of the Western world remains to be seen. It would appear, however, that
Putin is a little off with his measuring; for the only shape traceable
between the US, EU and Russia would be a straight line. Unless, of
course, the US happens to occupy some new territories. in Central Asia.


The cynical view regarding Putin's overtures to Washington is simply
that, in light of an unavoidable US assault on Afghanistan, Russia would
have been powerless to prevent American troops from using the CIS
Central Asia countries, and trying to do so would have created serious
rifts with the

Uzbek and Tajik regimes, and with Washington. Therefore, Putin has made
the best of a potentially bad situation in adopting the pragmatic
approach. By taking the lead and initiative in "inviting" the Americans
in, and pushing for a new policy on Chechnya, he avoided isolating
Russia further from the West, and he may have won some important
diplomatic concessions that will have far-reaching long term effects.
Rather than being forced against his will to give up Central Asia and
Chechnya, Putin has called the western bluff - offering all sorts of
help, and even offering to join the, until

now, enemy group - NATO. Putin may not actually be serious about this,
of course; by throwing daring proposals out there, however, he is
already ahead of Washington in the diplomatic game.

And this not a moment too soon. Putin's confidence masks the desperation

many Russians feel at what is regarded as an unwinnable war. The
Chechens killed two generals and several other ranking soldiers last
week, and the fighting continues to rage:

"Russian Interior Ministry outposts in Chechnya have been shelled by
rebels 10 times over the last 24 hours, and one serviceman was wounded.

helicopter gunships have continued to pound suspected rebel hide-outs,
and federal troops claimed that 14 rebels had been killed over the past
24 hours."

In light of the fact that Russian morale in Chechnya has been sinking in

recent months, to the point where it is now resorting to antagonizing
and destabilizing nearby Georgia, Putin's nonchalance and enthusiasm are
especially remarkable; today they are even declaring that the Chechen
leader Aslan Maskhadov has been contacted, and that the rebels will soon
be brought to their knees - and to the negotiating table. But if now is
indeed the time for Putin to "seize the day," even more remarkable is
how all the days prior to 11 September were so unpromising and, in fact,
so unseizable.


America's old position on Chechnya is recounted ad nauseum in the State
Department's human rights report (February 2001). "Credible reports" are

cited here, as in typical government press releases, attesting to
Russia's eternal guilt against heroic Chechen "rebels." International
"humanitarian organizations" have also piled on the pressure, with the
result that the UN officially condemned Russia in April 2001 - over the
vociferous protests of China and Russia itself.

Now, Clinton was no friend of Russia. He specifically supported oil
pipeline routes (like Baku-Cehyan) that would bypass Russia. Under his
rule, Yeltsin and then Putin were ritually whipped by the State
Department and its media proxies over Chechnya. Yet he frustrated many
by not taking an even firmer line; many interventionists must have
dreamt longingly of a Kosovo-style

invasion of Chechnya, to "liberate" the province. Probably, one of
Bush's campaign strategists seized on this shortcoming when he had him
declare that he would "cut off aid to Russia until it withdrew from
Chechnya." Certainly, he didn't really mean it - the US pays millions
every year to shore up the Russian economy, to prevent Russian society
from getting more corrupt than it already is, and to safeguard those
rusting Soviet-era nuclear facilities. But statements like these were
certainly music to the ears of those interventionists who had justified
stuffing Yugoslavia in an economic straightjacket with crippling
sanctions ten years before.

And so we return to the interventionists. Every military action of the
US government has been supported by a civilian army of advocates,
crusaders, and activists representing a number of different "human
rights" and "humanitarian" organizations. From Bosnia to Kosovo, from
Macedonia to Chechnya, an army of souls shouting "you must" or "you
should" to policymakers has had the desired effect of selling war -
usually through

fist-pumping and sensationalistic journalism. What will be interesting
to see is whether they will now be willing to put their money where
their mouth is, and stick with their "ideals" - or placate those who are
paying their salaries.


And so we have the example of the infamous HRW. For years, this
organization has been one of Russia's loudest critics on the Chechnya
issue. They have devoted tremendous efforts to derailing Russian resolve
in the North Caucasus. Since 1999, they have published eight
anti-Russian "open letters" to UNHCR, the EU leaders, Russian president
Putin, Tony Blair, Colin Powell, and the foreign minister of Sweden.
That this campaign should conclude with an "open letter" to President
Bush, seems quite natural. In the letter of 8 June 2001, no doubt
bolstered by Bush's campaign promises, HRW's Europe and Central Asia
boss Holly Cartner recited a litany of Russian abuses and demanded that
"President Bush has to get a firm commitment from President Putin on the
critical question of accountability." There is nothing novel about HRW's
pro-government stance. Their lurid condemnation of Macedonia, for
example, was based on very questionable evidence and refuted by
Macedonians who happened to be on the scene. Now, when we consider who's

behind these people, the importance of HRW as a bolster to the official
US position is unremarkable. Which is why its so important that someone
tell them that Bush is backing Russia now - quick, HRW! It's time to
switch sides!


Last we heard from HRW (24 September), they seemed to be still in the
dark about who the new enemy is. The official statement avers:

"Russian forces' methods in Chechnya remain arbitrary and brutal, and
the Russian authorities have made no significant progress towards
accountability and towards access for certain UN thematic mechanisms."

Another similar and unchanged position is that of the British
pro-interventionists, IWPR.

It will be interesting to see what these organizations have to say about
all the poor Afghanis who are likely to be slaughtered by indiscriminate
US air raids. Or perhaps, war crimes are only really war crimes when
they involve sensational torture and mano a mano shows of malice - after
all, where's the crime in bombing someone from 30,000 feet, or starving
children through sanctions, or unloading depleted uranium and cluster
bombs on a civilian

population, as has been done in Serbia and Iraq? In any case, whatever
"atrocities" are committed, the fact that the US has consistently
blocked the creation of an international war crimes court (while at the
same time funding one just to target the Serbs) assures that no American
soldier will ever be tried for a war crime in Afghanistan - so let the
games begin!


I want to close with a remarkable quote taken from an eerily prescient
report from October 1999, which now seems almost like an indictment of
the ignorance and smarmy, disaffected self-righteousness that
characterized US foreign policy, until the country was jolted rudely to
the awareness that yes, it can be a dangerous world out there. I want to
suggest that this passage should inspire America to send a big apology
Russia's way - after all, now we really do feel it's pain - but should
also serve as a sobering reminder. Because the typical American way of
seeing terrorism is that it only matters when it happens to Americans.
In other words, "Black Tuesday" could have been avoided were we
sensitive to the existence of a real danger and real international
threat, as experienced by other nations.

"The United States - normally the world's most vocal opponent of
international terrorism - has been curiously silent about recent Islamic

violence. Chechnya - home to terrorist gangs, foreign mercenaries and
Islamic fundamentalists - recently dispatched guerrillas across the
border with a view to taking over Dagestan. What was the US response?
Government spokesmen and, of course, the media immediately parroted the
line that Chechen President Aslan Maskhadov had nothing to do with
anything. He had no control over the Chechen-based guerrillas who
attacked Dagestan, or over the terrorists who blew up apartment
buildings in Moscow.

Confronted by terrorism the likes of which Americans can barely imagine,
the Russian government responded with force. Effete little Jamie Rubin
was quickly on hand to warn that 'any resumption of general hostilities
in Chechnya would damage Russia's own interests. We are concerned.that
the use of force will make.dialogue that much harder.' He went on to
admonish the Russians against 'making Chechens or people from the
Caucasus second class citizens.' It comes as no surprise that President
Maskhadov recently asked NATO to step in and resolve matters in Chechnya
'in line with the norms of international law.'"

When the shoe is on the other foot, and violence is done to America,
germane and subdued rhetoric goes out the window. Can we imagine what
would happen if a government spokesperson were to say now (in the wake
of September 11th), that "the use of force would make dialogue that much
harder?" He would be pilloried in the press, accused of not loving his
country, and spurned as if infected with a ghastly contagion that left
him blind to the need for retribution.

According to the US in 1999 (and up until now), terrorism in Russia had
to be not eradicated but sincerely addressed by a loving dialogue. That

"dreadful sorry, Chechnya, we didn't mean to hurt you. Will you please
forgive us?" Yet dialogue was not and will not be an option for a US
government ready to avenge itself at all costs. It's sadly ironic that
Americans have to suffer from terrorism to be able to understand the
weakness and rage that other countries regularly experience from the
effects of terrorist attacks. In America, Chechnya has finally come

Christopher Deliso is a journalist and travel writer with special
interest in current events in the areas of the former Byzantine Empire -
the Balkans, Greece, Turkey, and the Caucasus. Mr. Deliso holds a
master's degree with honors in Byzantine Studies (Oxford University),
and has traveled widely in the region. His current long-term research
projects include the Macedonia issue, the Cyprus problem, and the
ethnography of Byzantine Georgia.

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