Title: Message
Suicides Increase Among Refugees in Serbia
from Beograd.com

BELGRADE, 17 October (Beograd.com)--"The refugee status is a matter of ethics and the main problem of our country," said Dr. Sanda Raskovic-Ivic, Serbian commissar for refugees, at a Conference on Mental Problems of Refugees and Displaced Population.

"We have 470,000 refugees from Croatia and Bosnia, 250,000 internally displaced persons from Kosovo and Metohija, and 10,000 refugees from Macedonia--out of which 9,000 are ethnic Albanians. This is an enormous number, even for far richer countries. The number of suicides among these distressed people is steadily increasing, as they are in general depressive, apathetic, and neurotic. This is no surprise for people who have lost everything like they have," Raskovic-Ivic emphazised.

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