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2001-09-29 10:16 MSK - Russia supports Afghanistan king

MOSCOW - A visiting U.S. congressional delegation said Friday it had won Russian support for efforts to carve out a role for Afghanistan's exiled king as a possible force to unify his native land, should Taliban rule collapse as a result of American strikes. Representative Curt Weldon and 10 other members of Congress were to leave for Rome for weekend talks with King Mohammad Zahir Shah and members of Afghanistan's anti-Taliban northern alliance. Much attention has turned to the 86-year-old king in light of the U.S. threat to attack the Taliban if they don't turn over Osama bin Laden, the prime suspect in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. "We received unanimous support among Russian leaders that our meeting with the king was positive and constructive," Weldon, a Republican from Pennsylvania, told a news conference after meetings with Russian legislators. -AP

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