> from:
> http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm
> Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm";>Document
> -----
> Zionist Terrorists Arrested
> Inside Mexican Congress
> MOSSAD Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were armed and
> carrying bomb materials
> by
> Ernesto Cienfuegos
> La Voz de Aztlan
> Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted
> morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested
> inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico
> City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military
> hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The
> Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its
> doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been
> independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic,
> and other sources in Mexico City.
> The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcón, has also confirmed
> arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a
> citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to
> Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuraduría General
> la República (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired
> Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as
> MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the
> security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.
> This is a very grave incident with many serious international
> Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist
> acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon.
> The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war
> Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of terrorism against
> Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing
> line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing
> to report any additional developments. /ê`Ä´ p 4@

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