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Dear friends,

Here is an article from the American Srbobran about the Serbian victims from the September 11 tragedies.  Right now the American Srbobran is collecting more info on any more Serbian victims from the local New York area Serbian  priests.  When they get more new info they will publish it in one of the upcoming editions of the American Srbobran.


Attack on America


Saint Sava's Relics Buried in Manhattan Rubble

             NEW YORK, NY [A Srbobran Exclusive] -- "I was in my apartment next to the Church at about a quarter to 9 AM when I heard a very loud, low flying airplane," reports Fr. Djokan Majstorovic of the St. Sava Serbian Cathedral in New York City, "I thought:  this guy's lost, but I didn't think much more about it.  Soon after, the messages about what was going on starting arriving by email, and I saw the world trade center go down on television.  It was awful."

            Our Serbian Cathedral in Manhattan is about 100 yards from Broadway (between Broadway and 6th Street) and at least a couple of miles away from what was the world trade center.  September 11, 2001, was the holy day of the Beheading of Saint John the Baptist on the Orthodox Christian calendar.  A holy day liturgy was served in the Cathedral.  Special prayers were added for the departed and the living.

            "I know of a few of our Serbs who work in the WTC who survived," says Fr. Djokan, "Milenko Djurasovic of the Holy Ascension Parish (New
Gracanica) in Paterson, New Jersey, was on the 91st floor, and he got out. Many Serbs work in the buildings around the center, people like Milan Prastalo and Vera Bujovic, both of whom got out."

            "At this point, I have no information about missing or deceased Serbs, " he reports, "I can't get through to the priests in New Jersey."

V. Rev. Toma Popovic, the parish priest of the New Gracanica parish in New York, could not be reached for additional comment.

            Zora Cvijic, a paralegel who works across the street from the World Trade Center (but was on jury duty in Brooklyn on the fateful day in
question) reports that a friend of her family, a young Serbian girl from New Jersey who worked on the 106th floor of the WTC, cannot be located.  To date, this friend is not on her company's dead or missing list, so there is still hope.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

Zora also reports that most of the Serbs she knows who worked in the WTC were on the 80th floor or below, and they got out.  She is grateful to God because, as she puts it, "so many Serbs I know were unharmed even though they were in the towers".

          Protinica Andjelka Veselinovic of the St. George Church in Elizabeth, New Jersey reports that so far all parishioners are accounted for.  Regrettably, she also notes that a young Serbian fellow from the nearby St. John the Baptist Church in Paterson, New Jersey is missing in the wake of the New York explosions.  "No one knows where he is. The Church had a parastos on September 14, 2001, and prayers were said for him too.  We don 't know . . ."

It is ironic that a young Serb from a parish named in honor of the holy Baptist is missing as a result of a surprise attack on the day commemorating that saint's martyrdom.  All American and Canadian Serbs are requested to offer intensified prayers on behalf of this young Serbian and his family.

Fr. Toma Stojsich, who lives in Brooklyn but serves the Paterson parish could not be reached.  Very Rev. Predrag Micic of the nearby New Gracanica parish (Elizabeth, NJ) is currently in Serbia and likewise could not be reached.

           On Friday, September 14, 2001 the St. Sava Cathedral responded to President Bush's call to churches across America by holding a memorial service for the deceased and a prayer service for the wounded.  Fr. Djokan, parishioners and non-Serbian visitors who strayed into the Cathedral banded together and also prayed for an increase in love and a decrease in hostilities.  These prayers were repeated following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, September 16, 2001.

            Many Serbs in New Jersey and New York have contracting businesses and a few of our sources indicate that a number of our people stood shoulder to shoulder with the rescue and other volunteer workers still making their way through the rubble in search of life.  May the Good Lord reward their concern and their efforts.

            According to SSF President Milka Chuk, Alexander Filipov, a Serb born in Windsor, Ont., was aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first plane to crash into the WTC.  This electric engineer lived in Concord, Massachusetts and was 70 years old.  All American and Canadian Serbs are asked to please light a candle and to say a prayer in his memory.

According to the information service of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America, the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, located about 500 feet from ground zero, was demolished by the falling rubble of the WTC.  Mercifully, Fr. John Romas, parish priest, was not present at the time.  Vassilios Torazanos, 50, the only parishioner in the Church on the morning of September 11, rushed out of the building moments after the first jet crashed into the south tower.  He survived.

Fr. Romas is attempting to locate a site in the area to hold church services and plans to ask permission from city officials to allow him to retrieve the church's holy relics: those of St. Nicholas, St. Katherine and St. Sava. They were kept in an ossuary on what had been the top floor of the four-story building.

Among the church's unique characteristics were its small size and icons, a gift from the last czar of Russia, Nicholas II.  Listed among the parish's first members were the parents of television star Telly Savalas.

            Parishioners plan to rebuild the St. Nicholas Church and have established an account for anyone who would like to donate. (St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Atlantic Bank, account number 09062602, 8010 5th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11209).

            According to the September 17, 2001 edition of USA Today, Army Specialist Michael Petrovich, 32, was in the affected area of the Pentagon at the time of the terrorist attack.  He threw a desktop computer through a window, then followed it to safety, but not before resucing Dalisay Olaes, and leading her to an open window (source:  American Forces Information Services, September 13, 2001).

The American Srbobran has not confirmed Spc. Petrovich's hometown or ethnic origin.  Any American or Canadian Serb with information to this effect is asked to please notify this newspaper.

According to the information service of the Orthodox Church in America, the Very Rev. John Stefero, an Orthodox US Air Force Chaplain, was also in the Pentagon when the plane sliced through the side of the massive building. Father Stefero immediately assisted in relief efforts.

Washington, D.C.-based SNF Representative Milan Visnick has informed us that, to date, there is no indication of any Serbs being harmed as a result of the attack on the nation's capital.


            Rev. Stevan Rocknage of the St. Sava Parish, McKeesport, Penna., is the President of the Orthodox Clergy Association of Greater Pittsburgh. This association is planning to hold a 40-day memorial parastos at the crash site near Somerset, Penna.  About 50 Orthodox parishes are in the vicinity of Somerset.  The tentative date for the parastos is October 24, 2001.  For more information please contact Fr. Stevo at (412) 672-1872.


All readers are asked to please notify the American Srbobran of any additional information that you may have about Serbs affected by the September 11 tragedy.  Information can be emailed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or mailed to SNF, One Fifth Avenue, 7th Floor, Pittsburgh, PA  15222.

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