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In a message dated 6/30/01 6:45:48 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<< If he [Kostunica] is angry because that move [i.e., the kidnapping of 
Milosevic], it is only because he realizes how close is the end of the 
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.  I don't think he is so stupid to want to 
lose his job. He knows that 
 if that happens, his power is *over*. His complains about Dji >>

My dear Javier,

First, thank you for providing this so unusual forum, on which I and others 
get to read much information that we pass on through Emperor's Clothes and so 
much of the best thinking in the world. Like air, one takes it for granted.

May I respectfully disagree just a bit?

FIRST - You assume he is basically what he appears - i.e., that he conceives 
his job as being president rather being US agent - and proceed from there to 
conclude the above.  Of course nobody knows his thoughts.  But we do know 
this: he a) participated in the receipt of vast bribes - his campaign was 
impossible without total US support b) Der Spiegel says he was picked in Dec. 
1999 at a meeting in Germany presided over by Fischer and Albright c) he has 
done everything to bring this moment, that you in your kind heart feel he 
must not like, to pass.  If in fact he was MAINLY motivated by desire to hold 
Yugoslavia together he would have done what he was REQUIRED BY THE 
CONSTITUTION to do - seize Djindjic and surround the prison.  But that of 
course assumes that he was not at the end one of the conspirators - and I say 
this: only a fool would have proceeded unless he was sure that Kostunica 
would stand aside at the crucial time, and Djindjic is not a fool.  

It reminds me of the assassination of Malcom X..  He had been threatened with 
death by Louis Farrakan, but at the crucial time, for some reason, his 
bodyguards were not present...

Kostunica was the KEY man in this kidnapping.

SECOND - Many people are now saying that "the main thing here is not the 
extradition of Milsoevic it is the assault on Yugoslavia."  I am pleased that 
people say this, but I also have my own view: that the removal of Milosvic 
was very important to the US because even in jail in Belgrade he could 
provide critical leadership to the SPS and because he had to be "defeated" 
because of what he signifies for people in vast setions of the world - people 
who DESIRE revolutionary change see him as a great rebel leader against the 
US empire. That is why hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians signed petitions 
demanding his release. 

In my opinion, he has not been defeated.  He has been elevated in importance. 
Let's not shrink from challenging their demonization of him because they 
demonize him for a reason: in 1990 he led in the creation of a new, broader 
party that stood up to the U.S./German attempt to destroy Yugoslavia, instead 
of becoming a US flunky and aiding (with great regret!) that destruction - as 
Kostunica has done. The US and its puppies have been attacking him ever since.

I better finish the transcription of my scribbled notes from the conversation 
I and others had with him on March 23rd, so that people will understand 
better why I say this.

Warm regards,

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