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Bush arrives in London on Wednesday evening. On Thursday morning he visits the British Museum. He will then visit the Cabinet war rooms near Downing Street. Lunch at Buckingham Palace will follow. Mr Bush and his senior officials will spend Thursday afternoon at Chequers before the Blairs and Bushes sit down to a private dinner. He departs for the G8 conference in Genoa on Friday morning.
Public meeting and protest organised by London Region CND
Wednesday 18th July 2001
7pm Westminster Hall (formerly Grand Committee Room)
Houses of Parliament, London SW1
With Jeremy Corbyn MP (chair), Alice Mahon MP, Malcolm Savidge MP, Jean Lambert MEP, Carol Naughton Vice Chair CND
preceded by protest at Downing St from 5pm to 6.30pm - Bring your banners and placards!

Tuesday 31 July
Vigil against Star Wars in Parliament Square
Stop the Nuclear Arms Race
No British Bases for Star Wars
5-7pm Parliament Square, London SW1

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