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"Drawing the poorest countries into the global economy is the surest way to 
address their fundamental aspirations." - G8 Final Communique

``Everyone feels the G-8 has to continue" - Silvio Berlusconi 

"You just have to ask the leaders of the poorest countries to see that they 
all agree with this [i.e. the goodness of free trade]" - George W. Bush 

Sunday, 22 July, 2001, 08:15 GMT 09:15 UK 


Will Zanzibari fishermen gain from globalisation?

By David Loyn 

Delegates from the world's 49 poorest countries are beginning a summit 
meeting in Zanzibar on Sunday to try to halt further liberalisation in the 
World Trade Organisation. 

They are concerned that they are being forced to open up their markets while 
they are not strong enough yet to trade with the West. 

This conference has more potential to derail globalisation than anything 
happening on the streets of Genoa. 

The least developed countries have come together at the invitation of 
Tanzania. Trade Minister, Iddi Simba is trying to get agreement on a 
declaration blocking any further trade liberalisation. 

After talks stalled in Seattle two years ago, the WTO is meeting again in 

But the least developed countries are angry that their agriculture, which 
they depend on, is being opened up to competition while the agriculture of 
Europe and North America continues to receive subsidies. 


They may not have much money but they do have votes and Mr Simba told me that 
they will block another trade round in the WTO unless earlier promises made 
to them are kept. 

The least developed countries are defined by the UN as countries with an 
average income of less than $900 a year. 

Haiti is the only country in this category in the western hemisphere. There 
are also a number of Pacific islands represented but apart from Bangladesh, 
the poorest countries with the largest populations are all in Africa.

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