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Massive police operation at G8
                 summit in Genoa

                 By Stefan Steinberg 
                 20 July 2001

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                 Those protesting at the G8 conference in Genoa
                 confront a massive police and army presence.

                 The conference, which opens today and concludes July
                 22, brings together the heads of the seven leading
                 industrial countries plus Russia. It is expected that
                 President George W. Bush will use the meeting in an
                 attempt to secure support for the proposed American
                 missile defence system.

                 Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian
                 authorities have approved an enormous security
                 operation with up to 16,000 police and 3,000 soldiers
                 being mobilised to clamp down on all protests.

                 At the June European Union (EU) summit in
                 Gothenburg, Sweden, two demonstrators were shot and
                 wounded by police. Pitched battles took place in the
                 city between the police and a small number of the
                 estimated 30,000 protestors. British premier Tony
                 Blair and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer
                 warned against the possibility of violent
                 demonstrations in Genoa, with Blair criticising "small
                 groups of anarchists and hooligans" for "using
                 legitimate protest as a vehicle for causing chaos and

                 On the pretext of clamping down on "hooligans", the
                 Italian and European police have made a frontal assault
                 on the democratic right to protest and the right to
                 speech. The mobilisation of state forces is aimed at
                 preventing the free movement of those deemed by the
                 authorities to be undesirable or dangerous, setting yet
                 another precedent in the erosion of fundamental
                 democratic rights.

                 Last weekend, in order to vet those entering the
                 the Italian government suspended the Schengen Treaty,
                 which allows free passage between those EU countries
                 that have signed the pact. Police and customs officials
                 worked with a list of 3,000 names of potentially
                 "violent anti-capitalist protestors", who are to be
                 prevented at all costs from entering Italy. The police
                 are paying particular attention to protestors from
                 France and Germany. At the start of the week, delays
                 and harassment by police at the French-Italian crossing
                 point of Ventimiglia lead to protests in favour of the
                 right of free passage by those affected.

                 The French national railway, SNCF, cancelled a train
                 chartered by British anti-capitalist activists
                 within Globalise Resistance to transport them to the G8
                 summit. Flights to the city have also been cancelled.
                 Genoa's motorway junctions and the port itself will be
                 sealed this evening. The airport and the city's two
                 railway stations (Principe and Brignoli) have been

                 Inside Italy, police and intelligence forces have been
                 conducting raids and house searches since the start of
                 the month. Raids have been carried out as far afield as
                 Milan, Florence and Naples. In the course of the
                 searches, police have confiscated such mundane
                 household objects as hammers, screwdrivers and
                 bricks. A journalist employed by the il manifesto
                 newspaper and Luca Casarini, spokesman of the Centri
                 Sociali Autogestiti in North-eastern Italy, were both
                 victims of such house searches.

                 Despite these measures, thousands of anti-G8 protesters
                 poured into Genoa yesterday in order to beat the
                 closure of the city. Around 800 organisations have
                 constituted the so-called "Genoa Social Forum" and
                 are planning to conduct a series of alternative
                 conferences and protests in the city against the
                 consequences of capitalist globalisation. Estimates of
                 the number of protesters planning to attend meetings
                 and take part in demonstrations in Genoa vary between
                 50,000 and 150,000. The Italian rank-and-file
                 organisation Comitati Unita di Base has called for a
                 national general strike on Friday, but it is unlikely
                 many of Italy's main trade unions will actually take
                 in anti-G8 demonstrations.

                 Those who have made it to Genoa will find a city that
                 resembles a fortress. The summit is planned to open
                 Friday in Genoa's splendid Palazzo Ducale. For
                 security reasons, however, some G8 delegates will stay
                 on the luxury liner "European Vision" berthed in the
                 harbour and which will provide the venue for many of
                 the conference meetings. It is anticipated that
                 delegates will be accommodated on their own ship.
                 According to Italian Defence Minister Antonio Martini,
                 2,700 soldiers will be employed to protect and secure
                 the docks and airport. Minesweepers will patrol the
                 adjacent waters and two Spada-type rocket launchers
                 have been stationed to deter any possible air attack on
                 the conference. Experts in bio-chemical weapons will
                 also be in attendance to assist in security operations.

                 A three metre high wall has been erected in the
                 centre of the city. Police patrolling the city are
                 determined that no demonstrations take place within
                 this walled area, the so-called "red zone". Inside the
                 city as a whole there is a ban on the distribution of
                 printed material and leaflets. Some newspapers have
                 reported that the authorities are planning to
                 the telecommunications network in and around the city
                 to prevent cell phone calls between the demonstrators.
                 Police and plain-clothes intelligence officers have the
                 power to stop and search every inhabitant and visitor
                 the city.

                 Parts of the city have been sealed off during the past
                 week, following two bomb explosions and a much
                 higher number of "false alarms". Organisers of the
                 Social Forum expressed their concern that state
                 intelligence forces could be involved in such
                 provocations, intent on a "strategy of tension" to
                 using severely repressive measures against
                 demonstrators. After two bombs went off in Genoa,
                 Social Forum spokesman Vittorio Agnoletto declared
                 on Tuesday: "It is unbelievable that two bombs could
                 go off in one day in a city where one cannot proceed
                 more than five paces without being controlled by the
                 combined secret police of seven states." The human
                 rights organisation Amnesty International felt it
                 necessary to warn the Italian authorities to respect
                 international standards of law.

                 See Also:
                 Three demonstrators shot, hundreds arrested at
                 Gothenburg EU summit
                 European leaders demand harsher police action
                 [18 June 2001]
                 Rubber bullets, tear gas and mass arrests at the Summit
                 of the Americas in Quebec City
                 [2 May 2001]

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