On the other hand the compilation of this software is "tricky", it is like a 
memory black-hole... :) - see this thread here on Sun's forums:
(a short summary: with 8GB ram it swaps out 3-4GB, and this motherboard cannot 
handle more. Buying a new system is out of my budget at the moment...)

With OpenIndiana I see something that's promising: with SXCE (I still use 125) 
the memory is almost full, according to Gnome's system monitor, the system 
cache eats up a lot of ram (can't recall, but around ~50-60, maybe 70%)  while 
under OI I get "7% used by programs, and 0% used by cache".
I did not have the opportunity to compile in the last week, so the compiler's 
behavior is to be tested.

Somehow I remembered (badly, very well might be...) that ZFS writes only to 
free space (until there is free space on the device), and only _then_ begins to 
overwrite previously used space, which would mean that all blocks would seem 
used after a while  (from the perspective of the SSD itself).

Thanks very much for the info!
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