I posted the earlier announcement, partly because I've been meaning to bring up this topic in this forum for a long time. Its registration time for Spring sports at local parks.

I'm wondering how satisfied folks are with the youth sports programs being offered at local parks?

As a parent with kids that have been participating on city organized teams for about five years now, I'd have to say, that I'm fairly unhappy with the service that I've been getting at local parks.

A couple of quick anecdotes, then I'd like to hear from others.....

1) One of the first years I signed my son up for soccer, I indicated on the registration form that I would be willing to help coach. I never heard back from anyone. We finally got a phone call, giving us 1 day notice for a "parent meeting." As I had other plans that night, my wife took my son to the meeting. When she got home, she asked me if I knew that I was the coach. Which, I didn't. I had never been notified or formally asked to take the job. I did take the job and loved it.

2) Last year for soccer, we were told at Park A that my 10 year old son was ineligible to play on the 10 & under soccer team (he just turned 10 during the season). He was also told that park A had no 12 & under team for him to join. We went to Park B. At park B we were told that my son DID belonged on the 10 and under team (which made sense to us). At his first practice, there we 7 year olds on the 10 and under team, because they had been told that Park B had no 8 and under team. I asked the park staff and was told the same thing.

Later in the season, I learned that Park A did have a 12 & under team. Remember, I went to Park B because I was told they had no 12 & under team. I also learned, that despite at least 3 parents being told that Park B had no 8 and under team, in fact Park B did have an 8 and under team.

At the end of the season, I also learned - that in fact, my 10 year old son was ineligible to play on the 10 and under team, because he would be turning 11 some 10 months after the end of the season. He and his other 10 year old friend finished the final 1-2 games of the season, despite being a year to old (actually, they were both less than 2 months too old).

3) I remember talking to another parent who showed up at an "away" game for the final 10 minutes of the game, with a daughter who was in tears, because they had spent the last 45 minutes driving around the city, based upon written instructions from our "home" park staff, that had at least 2 clear and distinct errors in them.

I've had quite a few other experiences of this type, but these are the ones that stand out in my mind.

Yes, there are some very good folks that are working very hard in this underfunded system. But, I must say, the youth sports program is definitely the city service with which I have had the most problems in recent years. Overall, I'm an unhappy and reluctant client of these programs.

Anyone else care to comment?

Best wishes,

Tim Erickson
Hamline Midway

Tim Erickson              http://www.politalk.com
St. Paul, MN - USA                   651-643-0722
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             iChat/AIM: stpaultim

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