Morten et al.,

OK... I'll bite... . I really didn't want this to devolve into "my choice" of templating engine is better, and there are many comparisons out there, but we are developing a large project and if I'm going to find the need to switch down the road better NOW than later.

With that said - I have changed the subject line and ask that those that want to provide an answer provide the following:

--> At least 3 "specific" "key" reasons why "their choice" of templating engine was selected over JSPs and built-in TLDs?

I don't just want to hear "I use templating engine X which is great for me" OR "because its better" OR the "best templating engine is X"... .

I honestly want to hear real CONCRETE issues that "JSPs and built-in TLDs could not adequately solve" OR "where better solved by templating engine X" and "moreover" WHY - in the context of large software project development (and as far as large is concerned consider multi-server multi-instance LB'ed 3/4-Tier deployment)?

Much Appreciated!


P.S. In order to keep the noise level down on this thread and moreover so I don't regret what I am asking please try not to repeat what others have said unless you have something new or different to add... i.e. having 10 identical responses that people picked Velocity and for the same reasons is wonderful but not very fruitful.

P.S.S. If this thread gets very long then once the flow stops I'll send out an e-mail summarizing the recommended engines and moreover the most significant reasons why... .

Morten Matras wrote:
Well. I thought so a while ago as well - start with that, but feel free to contact me for advise on how to include freemarker easily.

(Except for it's way of handling null properties freemarker is very nice).


2010/5/26 Nikolaos Giannopoulos < <>>


    Thanks for the suggestions... looks like I am simply going to use
    a simple string replacement templating class we wrote a while
    back... as the effort to integrate a Templating framework just for
    simple out of web container HTML e-mails is not worth it IMHO.

    Much Appreciated!


    Daniil Sosonkin wrote:
    That is an eternal question, right. Which engine to use for
    simple templates? Personally, I settled upon, its simple enough and fast enough and
    gives more power than just regex and very intuitive. Just my 2

    Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:
Stripes and Stripernate in conjunction with Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Lucene, etc... IS EVERYTHING its billed to be IMO! Moreover, I initially considered a more advanced templating technology (FreeMarker, Velocity, etc...) but once again as the Stripes team envisioned the simplicity of JSPs and the excellent Stripes tag support (layouts, forms, etc...) for them are actually quite powerful and quite sufficient.

HOWEVER... one aspect of our system is to generate HTML E-mails and for that it is important to point out that the Task Server processes that will generate the e-mails will be in the Services layer and will not sit within a web container (i.e. they will be simple Java Processes processing against the DB w/o UI).

    Here are some options I am tossing around:

1) Forget about Java Web Templating and simply do variable substitution on an HTML template. Right now this is my top choice.

2) Use the built-in web container in Java 6 to process the JSPs, inject a HTTP Request and Capture the HTTP Response. This feels like a BIG kludge not to mention a lot of effort for very little gain... .

Beyond getting into a Holy War on what Templating technology is better suited to the task I am curious what others have done OR what would anyone suggest if they didn't have a Templating technology beyond JSP?

    Much Appreciated!



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