Nikolaos Giannopoulos wrote:

You shouldn't avoid hard-coding values in a JSP... even if it something as simple as a default value.
Ha... er... "should avoid"

Have you tried putting the value as a constant in your action bean and referring to it from there? (the idea is if you have multiple JSPs then the value need only be maintained in one place)

If it works drop us a note as I am curious about this issue as well... .


Aaron Stromas wrote:

My application has a counttry property whose value eventually will be input in the form but for now is defaulted to "US", so I attempted to put it in the hidden field in the JSP:

<stripes:hidden name="country" value="US"/>

The generated HTML is

<input type="hidden" name="country" value=""/>

The same HTML is generated for <stripes:hidden name="country">US</stripes:hidden>.

The oddest thing is that the value is stripped and the same HTML is produced when I put <input type="hidden" name="country" value="US"/> directly in JSP. Is Websphere's JSP engine sabotaging the works? Anybody knows? Just curious...


Aaron Stromas
Mobile: +1 703 203 9169


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