
I imagine it wouldn't be hard to do JMeter performance tests with say a 
Struts 2, Spring MVC, Stripes, etc... set of frameworks.  As well, I 
imagine it wouldn't be hard to setup a simple JMeter performance test on 
a simple Stripes application.

But if that was the most important consideration then I'm sure a simple 
Google would result in tons of data.  However, to me personally at least 
- and I imagine many others - there are far more important 
considerations were in the selected framework, the architecture and the 
design are far more critical than whether Stripes is 10% faster or 
slower than some other framework.

But if you are so concerned that Stripes might simply choke under heavy 
load why don't you do a simple JMeter test yourself and publish the results?

And if you have a 400 employee company then not only might it be prudent 
to build such a test but I would imagine your company has the people 
resources to dedicate to doing such a test properly.  What do you 
think?  Personally - like Soren - I am not worried but that hasn't been 



andres wrote:
> Thanks for answers.
>  Must excist some big project done with Stripes. Stripes has many 
> years in market. Would be nice to see him.
>  Maybe someone made test with JMeter?
> Regards.
> --- El *sáb, 11/9/10, Nikolaos Giannopoulos 
> /<>/* escribió:
>     De: Nikolaos Giannopoulos <>
>     Asunto: Re: [Stripes-users] Stripes Development and its Future...
>     Para: "Stripes Users List" <>
>     Fecha: sábado, 11 de septiembre, 2010 19:03
>     andres wrote:
>>     Attention must be paid on Stripes Around The Web, this is without
>>     updating a long time and many links are broken and this gives a
>>     bad image, because a person who decides to look for new Framework
>>     also look who use it?
>     I agree and those are the things we need to do better as a community.
>>     projects done? And if the largest and most complicated project
>>     done is give more reliability.
>     I believe there is a list of projects on the WIKI but when I
>     looked several months ago... I don't recall any sites that I would
>     classify as large / complicated.
>>     First we asked our boss who uses it? We need a hold up heavy
>>     workloads. We do not know if can create large,wide projects on
>>     Stripes. If the traffic can really hold? For this we look at
>>     Stripes Around The Web.
>     Understood.  The great news is that Stripes is not a very heavy
>     framework as such I can't see how it can't be used to build large
>     scale projects.
>     I don't see why it wouldn't be able to handle high traffic and
>     heavy work loads.  With that said I personally believe that a
>     large site should be architected foremost to include things like
>     horizontal scalability in mind and as such if performance is an
>     issue more servers can be added.  Of course this is valid to a
>     point - if there are severe performance deficiencies in the
>     framework then its another story.
>     Also a large site would benefit from good design that includes
>     things like caching at all levels (JSPs - if you can - we will for
>     some, Services caching, DB caching, clustered caching - we might
>     use memcached for some smaller global things, etc...) as that in
>     itself can "extremely" improve a sites scalability.  Case in point
>     Facebook (built with PHP) once upon a time was rumoured to have
>     over 500 memcached caching servers to compensate for the fact that
>     PHP is quite DB intensive... but nonetheless demonstrates how
>     important caching is in some large sites.  Other things to
>     consider is DB sharding - we did and have built that on top of
>     Stripersist.
>>     Im interested to know if with Stripes can build large projects
>>     with lots of traffic. Of course a lot depends on how to program,
>>     but I mean Framework structure.
>     Well.  We are going to find out soon.  We are building a large
>     social community site that will invite 600K users and launch in 8
>     virtualized countries in 2 languages initially (English and
>     Spanish) and is being built for more countries and languages.  We
>     are heavily invested in Stripes as "the" framework for this
>     project and will definitely put it to its test.  We will be using
>     Oracle Web Server (RP), GlassFish (AS) and MySQL (DB).
>     We also plan on launching with a 3 tier - 6 server LB'd
>     configuration - in a US data center and will be looking towards
>     adding datacenters in Europe and later in Australia.  Also we will
>     leverage CDN's to deliver resources which improve web browser
>     response times but also reduces / offloads serving static content
>     from our data centers.
>     So to make long story short, we will find out soon enough how well
>     Stripes puts up with what we expect to be quite heavy workload /
>     processing, but regardless I personally would focus on
>     architecture and design foremost as a UI framework is but one
>     component and if your architecture and / or design isn't
>     adequate... it won't matter how well Stripes itself performs... as
>     you'll have bigger problems to worry about.
>     In any event, this is merely an opinion at this point.  We do hope
>     to provide tangible data to directly answer your question post
>     launch :-)
>     Hope this helps.
>     --Nikolaos
>>     Excuse for bad English.).
>>     Regards.
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