In this website i need a system that logs the user out after 10 minutes. In
order to login i use a simple procedure of inserting a user "in my case
called Lid" instance, and the logout invalidates the session, additionally,
when the user logs in a timertask within a timer starts, and after 10
minutes invalidates the session. here the code:

MyTask task=null;

 private void setCurrent(String key, Object o){



   private <T> T getCurrent(String key){

   T value=(T)getRequest().getSession().getAttribute(key);

  return value;

  public void logIn(Lid lid){
    setCurrent("lid", lid);
    Timer timer=new Timer();
    task=new MyTask(getRequest().getSession());


  public void logOut(){


This is the MyTask code:

public class MyTask extends TimerTask{

  HttpSession session=null;

  public MyTask(HttpSession session){


public void run() {


The problem is that when i voluntarily log out, it throws an exception
because it says that the task variable is null, and so it becomes not
possible to call cancel() on the task variable. But i dont get it, after
logging in the variable is instantiated, its not null.

Do you have some advise about this? Thank you
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